revista catedrei de finante a FEAA
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ISSN: 1583-3712
FINANTE - Provocarile viitorului
Year XVII, No. 19/2017

Summary Summary
Marin Opritescu - Dumitru Beldiman Romania’s regional development strategy between 2014-2020
Gheorghe MATEI, Elena Mădălina OPRITESCU Methods of Quantifying the Impact of Structural Funds Absorption on Regional Development
Attila TAMAS-SZORA The modalities and conditions for the financing of transnational research from the U.E. funds in the programming horizon 2014-2020
Victoria FIRESCU, Jenica POPESCU, Bogdan POPA Return on securities of the listed banks, using BET and BET-C indices of the Bucharest Stock Exchange
Roxana BADIRCEA, Ramona PIRVU, Alina MANTA Possible Risks of a too Early Adoption of Euro in Romania
Gheorghe MATEI, Andreea - Lavinia CAZACU (NEAMTU) Transfer prices – a debate amongst multinational companies and tax authorities
Alia DUTA, Victor Mihaita DUTA Qualitative Methods of Research on Banking Risks
Octavian Mihai PERPELEA, Dumitru BELDIMAN Romania on the threshold of EU accession, from the perspective of a decade of Europeanism
Coralia Emilia POPA, Lorena TUPANGIU Modelling the correlations between interest rate and other components of economic policy
Alia DUTA, Victor Mihaita DUTA Quantitative Methods of Research on Banking Risks
Anca BUZIERNESCU, Alin Stelian SELISTEANU, Radu BUZIERNESCU VAT in what direction? New approaches concerning the VAT
CoraliaEmilia POPA Quantification model of the consequences of monetary policy shocks
Dalian Marius DORAN, Nicoleta Mihaela FLOREA Testing the macroeconomic impact of the budget deficit in EU Member States using linear regression with fixed effects
Elena Mădălina OPRIȚESCU Econometric Assessment of the Degree of Economic Convergence between Member States of the European Union
Liliana Anamaria DRAGHICI, Roxana BADIRCEA Fiscal Post-Crisis Evolutions in the EU
Lorena TUPANGIU Information Asymmetry and Credit Risk
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