The language of the article and abstract
The paper must be written in good English language.
File format
Word document (Microsoft Word 2003 or better)
Page format
Page size B5, orientation portrait; Margins: mirror margins, top 2cm, bottom 2cm, inside 2 cm, outside 2cm; Layout: header 1.27 cm (different odd and even), footer 1. 27 cm, section start continuous(see the template)
Title Arial, 14, Bold. Use Title Case
Article Structure and formatting
Title: Arial, 14, Bold. Use Title Case
Authors: Arial, 12, Regular
Abstract: Arial, 10, italic
JEL Code: Arial, 10, Bold. For JEL Codes see the follwing web site:
Keywords: Arial, 10, Bold
Subtitles: Arial, 10, Bold
SubSubtitles: Arial, 10, Bold, Italic
Text: Arial, 10, regular
Figures and Tables:
Footnote: type identification and number using Arial 10, bold; description uses Arial 10 regular
References: Arial 10, regular, see template
Number of pages
minimum 4, maximum 15
Article template |
It is strongly recommended to download and use the article template |
For each article the authors must provide a statement of originality |
All articles should report original research that has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
Regarding the policy of screening for plagiarism we bring to your attention the following:
1. Our journal is consistent with the principles governing the intellectual property rights, discouraging any attempt of plagiarism, regardless of its forms – involuntary, self-plagiarism, voluntary misappropriation of other people’s ideas etc. The author must take appropriate measures to avoid any of these situations regardless of the nature and gravity
2. Please note that for checking the articles received we are running a specialized anti-plagiarism software: Plagiarism Detector.
3. The editor reserves the right to reject the article from the beginning and to refuse to publish future articles from the authors who have committed plagiarism.
The journal allows the authors to retain publishing rights without restrictions.