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ISSN: 1583-3712
e-ISSN: 2392-8085

FINANCE - Challenges fo the Future
YEAR XXIV No. 26/2024
Table of Content:
Introductory Note Introducere
Roxana Maria BĂDĪRCEA, Alina Georgiana MANTA, Nicoleta Mihaela DORAN, Liviu Florin MANTA, Gabriela BADAREU, Claudia GHERȚESCU Can University-Industry Partnerships Foster Sustainable Development? A Bibliometric Perspective
Bogdan POPA, Jenica POPESCU Financial Risk in Investments and its Modeling
Attila Szora TAMAȘ, Ramona-Ionela HARAGUȘ, Gabriel Szora TAMAȘ, Alin IRIMIA Current Tax Risk in Romania and Possible Remedies
Cătălin Valentin LĂPĂDAT, Roxana Maria BĂDĪRCEA, Alina Georgiana MANTA, Alexandra Ioana GEORGESCU Bibliometric Analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy: Intersections of Agriculture, Economy, and Environment
Claudia GHERȚESCU, Alina Georgiana MANTA, Roxana Maria BĂDĪRCEA, Alia Gabriela DUȚĂ, Alexandra Lucia ZAHARIA Bibliometric Analysis of ESG in Banking: What are the Key Directions and Collaborations Behind the Research?
Ramona-Ionela HARAGUȘ, Attila Szora TAMAȘ, Gabriel Szora TAMAȘ Instruments on Tax Compliance in the Romanian Digital Systems
Mihail OLARU, Roxana Maria BĂDĪRCEA, Alexandra Lucia ZAHARIA, Alexandru Mihai FIRU, Bogdan NICOLA Digitalization in Public Finance: A Bibliometric Analysis
Camelia CERCEL ZAMFIRACHE Econometric Evaluation of the European Union's Progress in Environmental Protection Through the Lens of Economic Well-Being
Maria-Emilia DINCULEANĂ Central Banking in the Digital Age: Exploring Public Perception and Regulatory Strategies for the Digital Euro
Maria-Emilia DINCULEANĂ Transforming Banking Customer Service: A Detailed Exploration of AI Adoption with Lessons from European Countries
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