revista catedrei de finante a FEAA
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Last Edition
Instructions for the authors
Reviewing process
Editorial Team
Scientific Commitee
Submitted Articles
ISSN: 1583-3712
e-ISSN: 2392-8085

Review Process
All papers published in the journal will be subject to rigorous peer review, based on the terms stipulated in the Guidelines Review and elaborated by the Evaluation Committee consisting of two reviewers.

The evaluation criteria of the papers are:

1. Te paper fits into the theme of the journal and research areas;
2. Title is clear and reflects the subject;
3. Abstract clearly summarizes its contents;
4. Introduction presents the importance of the paper to that field paper and quotes the main results obtained by other authors on the theme;
5. This paper contains an overview of previous studies in the same area;
6. The research methodology used is presented coherently and justifies why it is preferable to other existing methodologies;
7. The source of databases is reliable (official databases, representative examples, etc.).
8. Scientific contribution of the paper is authentic to economic theory or practice;
9. The conclusions clearly and accurately include the results and consequences of the paper;
10. The bibliography is recent, relevant and appropriate selected. There must be a clear link between bibliographic data at the end of the paper and those mentioned in the text;
11. Academic vocabulary is used without problems of coherence or grammar mistakes.

Following evaluation the papers can get these recommendations from reviewers:

1. The paper is accepted for publication in its original shape;
2. The paper is accepted for publication with minor changes;
3. The work is accepted for publication with substantial changes;
4. The paper is not accepted for publication and is rejected.

Full responsibility for the accuracy of the calculations, experimental data and translating scientific statements lies with the authors papers.

It is drawn the attention of authors to observe Copyright data in force on the date of publishing the work.

Readers are free to use, reuse and build upon the journal content but only for non-commercial use. If you remix, transform or build upon the journal content, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

Authors retain copyright of their articles without restrictions.
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