revista catedrei de finante a FEAA
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ISSN: 1583-3712
FINANTE - Provocarile viitorului
YEAR XIX No. 21/2019

Summary Summary
Introductory note Introductory Note
Cristina VLAD, Petre BREZEANU How Standard VAT is Influencing Economic Growth? An Analysis at European Union Level
Dumitru BELDIMAN, Tatiana PĂUN ZAMFIROIU Impact Assessment of Allocated European Funds on Economic Growth in Romania
Gheorghe MATEI, Ștefania-Sonia ZAMFIR The Insurance Market in the Context of the Globalization of the Economy
Attila TAMAŞ SZORA, Daniel Petru V Common Agricultural Policy and Agriculture Financing in Romania
Dalian Marius DORAN, Roxana Maria BĂD Retrospective Analysis of Romania's Public Debt
Ionela BUTU, Petre BREZEANU, Adriana PORUMBOIU, Raluca-Andreea GHEȚU Theoretical Considerations on VAT Structure Rates in the European Union
Irina Maria ALEXANDRU, Gheorghe MATEI Financial Management of the Romanian Preuniversitary Education Institutions
Alia Gabriela DUŢĂ, Victor Mihăiță DUȚĂ Banking Relationship and Credit Risk: Another Type of Approach
Adriana Elena PORUMBOIU, Petre BREZEANU A Literature Review on Fiscal Risks
Mihaela BRODOCIANU The Impact of Institutional Investors on Economic Growth of European Countries
Anca BUZIERNESCU, Radu BUZIERNESCU Use of the Common and Consolidated Corporate Tax Base at European Union Level. Implications for Romania
Octavian Mihai PERPELEA, Tatiana PĂUN ZAMFIROIU Financial Investment Optimisation Octavian
Attila TAMAŞ SZORA, Mihai-Dan MUREȘAN, Alina-Nicoleta SOLOVĂSTRU Some Considerations Regarding the Influence of Tax Evasion on Fiscality
Stelian SELIȘTEANU, Anca Alina BUZIERNESCU, Dalian Marius DORAN Significant Socio-Economic Developments in the Context of Completing the Implementation of SOPHRD 2007-2013
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