revista catedrei de finante a FEAA
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ISSN: 1583-3712
FINANTE - Provocarile viitorului
Year XIV, No. 16/2014

Marin OPRIȚESCU, Mircea PERPELEA, Octavian PERPELEA Whither the Euro: Challenges of the Crisis
Tadeusz KOLODZIEJ The Eastern Partnership
Gheorghe MATEI, Olivia MANOLE Financial Decentralization Reflected in the Revenues and Expenses of Local Budgets in Romania
Alexandru NEGREA, Alexandra IONESCU Firm Financial Policy
Mircea PERPELEA, Alia DUȚĂ, Sebastian PERPELEA Globalization: New Approaches
Victoria FIRESCU, Jenica POPESCU The Impact of Creative Accounting of Frozen Assets on the Company Performance
Emil OLTEANU, Attila TAMAS SZORA, Iulian Bogdan DOBRA The effect of financing hospital health care providers through updated Diagnosis Related Groups. Case studies: the municipal hospitals in Romania
Dumitru Laurentiu ANDREI, Petre BREZEANU Treasury Operations Mechanism in Romania
Roxana Maria BĂD Risk Factors in Euro Adoption by Romania
Daniela-Georgeta BEJU, Maria-Lenuţa CIUPAC-ULICI Public Expenditure Evolution in EU4 Countries
Laura VASILESCU Corporate Governance in the Central and Eastern Europe Countries - Features and Developments
Roxana ISPAS, Lavinia Maria NETOIU, Nela Loredana MEITA VAT Cashing System: between Myth and Reality
Lucian Claudiu ANGHEL, Florina P The Evaluation of the Equilibrum Exchange Rate based on the Purchase Power, for Romania’s Case
Claudia MITITELU, Mihăiță DUȚĂ Comparative Study on the Banking Performances at BCR ERSTE BANK, BRD – GSG and Raiffeisen Bank
Anca Simina POPESCU, Alina Georgiana HOLT The absorption of european funds for environmental protection during the period 2007-2013
Viorela Ligia VĂIDEAN On Financial Performance and Capital Structure of Romanian Companies
Nicolae TUDOSE The Evolution of Social Protection Expediture in The European Union
Cristian Radu COJOCARU, Cristina BOROVINĂ Structural Modifications Of The Employment In Romania
Costin-Alexandru Ciupureanu Does Emigration Affects Wages? A Case Study on Romania
Cosmin FLOREANU The Dominant Power Abuse and State Aid in European Union
Anca Simina POPESCU European Funds – Instrument for Economic Stability/Growth
Nicoleta Mihaela Florea, Marcel Drăcea, Radu Buziernescu Evolution of tax revenue in Romania
Inocențiu Alexandru Florea The evolution of public expenditure in Romania during the global economic crisis
Mihai NIŢOI An Analysis of Emerging Banking Systems in Central and Eastern Europe
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