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Created On Thursday, 25 April 2013 11:54 By Bocean Claudiu George

Prof.PHD .Bocean Claudiu George
Management - Marketing şi Administrarea Afacerilor



June 2015

Habilitation Certificate in Management


Academy of Economic Studies Bucureşti  

▪  The quality of doctoral supervisor


February 2015

Graduation Certificate TRAINER


A&C Proiecte şi Consultanţă Managerială


Professional skills acquired:

▪  Preparation of training;

▪  Establish training activities;

▪  Assessment of trainees;

▪  Application training methods and techniques;

▪  Evaluation, review and quality assurance of training programs.


01.10.2003 – 16.12.2006

PhD in Economics


University of Craiova


▪  Thesis title: "Balances and imbalances in the labor market in Romania"


01.10.2002 – 20.07.2004

Master in Business Administration


Faculty of Economics, University of Craiova


▪  Corporate strategy, human resources management, commercial management, financial management, decision-making simulations



01.10.2000 – 20.07.2001

Postgraduate, Specialization and Audit Management Accountant


Faculty of Economics, University of Craiova


▪  Management accounting,

▪  management and financial analysis,

▪  accounting

▪  practices and accounting audit



01.10.1996 – 20.09.2000

Economist, specialization Accounting and Management Information Systems


Faculty of Economics, University of Craiova


▪  Economics,

▪  accounting,

▪  computer science,

▪  management


01.10.1996 – 20.09.2000

Baccalaureate / Finance Accounting Specialization


Economic,  Administration and Services  High School, Tg-Jiu


▪  Accounting,

▪  economics,

▪  management,

▪  computer science,

▪  mathematics


Professor PhD

University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,  Al. I. Cuza, 13, Craiova

▪  Teaching activities (the disciplines Human Resource Management, Theory of organizations, Institutions and relations of the organization with the labor market, Human Resources Development),

▪  Mentoring and supervising undergraduate thesis,

▪  Participate as a member of committees,

▪  Publish as author and co-author of university courses and practical guidance,

▪  Published articles in professional journals, national and international conferences,

▪  Participation in research activities.

Business or sector Education



Associate professor PhD

University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,  Al. I. Cuza, 13, Craiova

▪  Teaching activities (the disciplines Human Resource Management, Theory of organizations, Institutions and relations of the organization with the labor market, Human Resources Development),

▪  Mentoring and supervising undergraduate thesis,

▪  Participate as a member of committees,

▪  Publish as author and co-author of university courses and practical guidance,

▪  Published articles in professional journals, national and international conferences,

▪  Participation in research activities.

Business or sector Education


01.03.2008 – 30.09.2014

Lecturer PhD


University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,  Al. I. Cuza, 13, Craiova


▪  Teaching activities (the disciplines Human Resource Management, Theory of organizations, Institutions and relations of the organization with the labor market, Human Resources Development),

▪  Mentoring and supervising undergraduate thesis,

▪  Participate as a member of committees,

▪  Publish as author and co-author of university courses and practical guidance,

▪  Published articles in professional journals, national and international conferences,

▪  Participation in research activities.


Business or sector Education  


01.03.2005 – 28.03.2008

Senior assistant teacher


University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,  Al. I. Cuza, 13, Craiova


▪  Teaching activities (the disciplines Management, Busines economics, Decision-making simulations, Human Resources Management),

▪  Mentoring and supervising undergraduate thesis,

▪  Participate as a member of committees and admission,

▪  Publish as author and co-author of university courses and practical guidance,

▪  Published articles in professional journals, national and international conferences,

▪  Participation in research activities.


Business or sector Education


25.02.2003 – 28.03.2005

Junior assistant teacher


University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,  Al. I. Cuza, 13, Craiova


▪  Teaching activities (the disciplines Management, Busines economics),

▪  Participate as a member of committees,

▪  Published articles in professional journals, national and international conferences,

▪  Participation in research activities.


Business or sector Education

  • member in DAAAM International Vienna (since 2010),
  • member in Human Resources Benchmarking Association (since 2011),
  • Assistant editor of the journal Management-Marketing (http://www.mnmk.ro/colegiu.php

Management, HRM, Labor economics

Corporate Social Responsibility

Șchiopoiu Burlea A., Bocean C.G., Economia muncii, Editura Universitaria,  Craiova,  2005, 225 p., ISBN 973-742-015-2

Bocean C.G., Managementul proiectelor în afaceri, Editura Universitaria,  Craiova,  2007, 197 p., ISBN 978-973-688-119-0

Bocean C.G., Managementul resurselor umane, Editura Pro Universitaria,  București,  2015, 256 p., ISBN 978-606-26-0224-6

Bocean C.G., Logofătu M., Economia muncii, Editura Pro Universitaria,  București,  2016, 293 p., ISBN 978-606-26-0655-8

Bocean C.G., Teoria organizației, Presa Universitară Clujeană,  Cluj-Napoca, 2017, 231 p., ISBN 978-606-37-0162-7

Sitnikov C.S., Bocean C.G., The need for harmonization and certification in social responsibility area, Aluchna M., Idowu S. eds.,  The Dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Approach to Theory and Practice, (pp. 265-283), Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-39088-8, 2016.

 Sitnikov C.S., Bocean C.G., Relationships Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Strategic Planning in Idowu S., Vertigans S. eds., Stages of Corporate Social Responsibility, (pp. 121-137), Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-43535-0, 2017.

Sitnikov C.S., Bocean C.G., Impact of CSR on Economies with Weak Governance, in Vertigans S., Idowu S. eds., Corporate Social Responsibility Academic Insights and Impacts, (pp. 187-202), Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-35082-0, 2017.

Sitnikov C.S., Bocean C.G., Tudor S., Integrating New Visions of Education Models and CSR 2.0 Towards USR-University Social Responsibility, in Camilleri, M.A. ed., CSR 2.0 and the New Era of Corporate Citizenship (pp. 251-273), IGI Global, ISBN 978-1-522-518426, 2017.

Sitnikov C.S., Bocean C.G., Corporate Social Responsibility in Times of Crisis: Evidence from Romania, in Idowu S., Vertigans S., Schiopoiu Burlea, A. eds., Corporate Social Responsibility in Times of Crisis, (pp. 77-92), Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-52838-0, 2017.


Sitnikov C.S.,  Bocean C.G., New approaches of consumers’ protection in terms of management systems’ international standards evolution, Amfiteatru Economic, Nr. 28, Vol. XII, 2010, pp. 360-372, ISSN 1582-9146, (Factor de impact ISI în 2010 - 0,320), http://www.amfiteatrueconomic.ro/RevistaDetalii_EN.aspx?Cod=40

Sitnikov C.S., Bocean C.G., Corporate sustainability and organizational change. Case of Petrom, Amfiteatru Economic, Nr. 32, Vol. XIV, 2012, pp. 323-332, ISSN 1582-9146, (Factor de impact ISI în 2012 - 0,758), http://www.amfiteatrueconomic.ro/RevistaDetalii_EN.aspx?Cod=46

Sitnikov C.S.,  Bocean C.G., Relationships among social and environmental responsibility and business, Amfiteatru Economic, Nr. 7s,  Vol. XV, 2013, pp. 759-768, ISSN 1582-9146, (Factor de impact ISI în 2013 – 0,953), http://www.amfiteatrueconomic.ro/RevistaDetalii_RO.aspx?Cod=53

Sitnikov C.S.,  Bocean C.G., Ways to reduce consumer complaints – the EU perspective, Amfiteatru Economic, Nr. 35, Vol. XVI, 2014, pp. 336-350, ISSN 1582-9146, (Factor de impact ISI în 2014 – 0,838), http://www.amfiteatrueconomic.ro/RevistaDetalii_EN.aspx?Cod=51

Bocean C.G., Project based organization - an integrated approach, Management & Marketing,  Vol. IX,  Nr. 2, 2011, pp. 265-273, ISSN 1841-2416, (indexată Repec,  Doaj,  Ebsco), http://www.mnmk.ro/2011_2.php


Bocean C.G., Greenhouse gas emission trends in Romania, Quality - Access to Success, Special issue, 2011, pp. 439-446,ISSN 1582-2559,(indexată  Cabell`s,  Ebsco, ProQuest), http://www.srac.ro/calitatea/en/arhiva/supliment/S2_Q-as_Contents_August_2011.pdf


Bocean C.G., Absorption capacity of EU funds in Romania, Revista Tinerilor Economiști,  Nr. 18,  Aprilie, 2012, pp. 123-130, ISSN 1583-9982, (indexată Repec,  Cabell`s,  Ebsco), http://stat257.central.ucv.ro/rte/


Bocean C.G., Human resources compensation in time of crisis, Management & Marketing,  Vol. X,  Nr. 2, 2012, pp. 285-292, ISSN 1841-2416, (indexată Repec,  Doaj,  Ebsco), http://www.mnmk.ro/2012_2.php


Sitnikov C.S.,  Bocean C.G., Corporate social responsibility through the lens of ISO standards, Business Excellence and Management, Vol. 2,  Issue 4,  2012, pp. 56-66, ISSN 2248-1354, (indexată Repec,  Ebsco), http://beman.ase.ro/no24/6.pdf


Bocean C.G., Impact of training on business performance. Case of Petrom, Revista Tinerilor Economiști,  Nr. 19,  November, 2012, pp. 86-93, ISSN 1583-9982, (indexată Repec, Cabell`s,  Ebsco), http://stat257.central.ucv.ro/rte/


Bocean C.G., Trends in human resources structure, Management & Marketing,  Vol. XI,  Nr. 2, 2013, pp. 255-264, ISSN 1841-2416, (indexată Repec,  Doaj,  Ebsco), http://www.mnmk.ro/documents/PDF_MNMK_2_2013/5-14-2-13.pdf


Sitnikov C.S.,  Bocean C.G., ISO 14001 and ISO 14064 - organizational tools for environmental responsibility, Аctual Problems of Economics,  Nr. 1,  Vol. 2,  2013, pp. 135-146, ISSN 1993-6788, (indexată EconLit, ProQuest, Ebsco), http://eco-science.net/authors_int.html

Sitnikov C.S.,  Bocean C.G., Integrated corporate strategy model, Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuși” University of Târgu Jiu,  Economy Series,  Issue 1,  2014, pp. 258-263, ISSN 2344 -3685, (indexată Repec,  Cabell`s,  Ebsco,  Repec), http://www.utgjiu.ro/revista/?page=curent



Bocean C.G.,  Delattre M., Ocler R., Sitnikov C.S., Towards a critical study of standardization: Corporate social responsibility, discourse and management practices, Society and Business Review, Vol. 9, Nr. 3, 2014, pp. 298 - 309, ISSN: 1746-5680, (indexată ISI-ESCI, ProQuest, Scopus, Cabell’s), http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/SBR-11-2013-0081

Bocean C.G.,  Delattre M., Ocler R., Sitnikov C.S., Guest editorial, Society and Business Review, Vol. 9, Nr. 3, 2014, p.297, ISSN: 1746-5680, (indexată ISI-ESCI, ProQuest, Scopus, Cabell’s),  

http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/ 10.1108/SBR-08-2014-0038

Bocean C.G., Relationships between wages and employment indicators,   Revista Tinerilor Economiști, Nr. 24,  April, 2015, pp. 41-50, ISSN 1583-9982, (indexată Repec,  Cabell`s,  Ebsco), http://stat257.central.ucv.ro/rte/

Bocean C.G., Sitnikov C.S.,  Setting international standards in human resources, Management & Marketing,  Vol. XIII,  Nr. 1, 2015, pp. 16-22, ISSN 1841-2416, (indexată Repec,  Doaj, Ebsco),



Sitnikov C.S., Bocean C.G., Creating E-environment to Provide Independent Life for Disabled People - E studio, 2nd International Conference "Vallis Aurea", Polytechnic of Pozega, Croatia & DAAAM International Vienna, Austria, 3rd September 2010, Pozega, Croatia, pp. 1335-1340, ISBN 978-953-7744-06-9

Bocean C.G., The shadow economy and corruption in Romania, International Conference „Actual Problems of Global Economy”, Universitatea Ovidius Constanța, 21-22 May 2010, publicat în Analele Universității Ovidius, Seria: Științe Economice, Vol. X, nr. 1 (indexată Repec, Doaj, Cabell`s, Ebsco), 2010, pp. 543-546, ISSN 1582-9383

Bocean C.G.,   Sitnikov C.G., Improving and enhancing Jorgensen model based on new trends in quality management, Annals of DAAAM for 2010 & Proceedings of the 21st International DAAAM Symposium, 20-23 October 2010, Zadar, Croatia, pp. 985-986, ISBN 978-3-901509-73-5

Bocean C.G.,  Sitnikov C.S., Trends in European greenhouse gas emission, International Conference „Knowledge and business challenge of globalization”, Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences,  Celje,  Slovenia,  17-18 November 2011, pp. 26-32, ISBN 978-961-6825-41-2

Sitnikov C.S.,  Bocean C.G., Improving quality management of small enterprises in rural tourism, International Conference „Knowledge and business challenge of globalization”,  Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences,  Celje,  Slovenia, 15-16 November 2012, pp. 877-894, ISBN 978-961-6825-67-2

Sitnikov C.S.,  Bocean C.G., The Role of Risk Management in ISO 9001:2015, Proceedings Of The 9th International Management Conference, Management and Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Bucharest, Romania, November 5th-6th, 2015, ISSN 2286-1440, ISSN-L 2286-1440

Bocean C.G., Sitnikov C.S.,  Tudor S., Theoretical perspectives concerning modeling consumer behavior influences on CSR and marketing roles in shaping consumer perceptions, Competitiveness and Stability in the Knowledge-Based Economy 8th iCOnEc Conference - October 28-29, 2016, Craiova, Romania, ISBN 978-9606-14-1077-4

Bocean C.G., Sitnikov C.S., Berceanu D., Risk management model from the perspective of the implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 standard within financial services companies, Competitiveness and Stability in the Knowledge-Based Economy 8th iCOnEc Conference - October 28-29, 2016, Craiova, Romania, ISBN 978-9606-14-1077-4


e-Learning educational center in medicine, LLP-LDV-TOI-2010-RO-006, EACEA, Leonardo da Vinci, 2010-2012, 83047 euro, director prof univ. dr. Avramescu Taina, responsabil pentru Universitatea din Craiova conf. univ. dr. Bocean C. G.

A web-based e-training platform for Extended Human Motion Investigation in Orthopedics, LLP/LdV/ToI/2011/RO/008, EACEA, Leonardo da Vinci, 2011-2013, 69192 euro, director prof. univ. dr. Popescu Dorin, membru conf. univ. dr. Bocean C. G.

e-Training for wellness in spa services, LLP-LdV-ToI-2011-RO-022, EACEA, Leonardo da Vinci, 2011-2013, 59991 euro, director prof. univ. dr. Avramescu Taina, membru conf. univ. dr. Bocean C. G.

Strategia de compatibilizare a învățământului superior economic românesc cu cerințele spațiului european al educației și cercetării științifice, Grant CNCSIS nr. 136, 2005 -2008, 54.000 RON , director – Constantinescu D., membru conf. univ. dr. Bocean C. G.

Studiu privind impactul responsabilității sociale asupra întreprinderilor românești, Grant CNCSIS nr. 601, 2007-2009, 52980 RON, Director –Schiopoiu Burlea A., membru conf. univ. dr. Bocean C. G.


Last Updated On Wednesday, 03 June 2020 19:22 By Bocean Claudiu George
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