After notification of abstract acceptance, the Book of Abstracts - with ISSN - will be published.
For the full paper, the number of pages per paper will be 10-12 pages.
The articles with higher impact in the scientific fields, based on the peer review process will be published in
- Amfiteatru Economic Journal, a limited number of papers based on the journal evaluation process and according to the topics for December 2022 and March 2023, indexed in ISI WoS, SCOPUS, EBSCO, ProQuest
- Competitiveness and Sustainability in the Digitalization Era, Conference Proceedings, Springer, indexed in SCOPUS
- Revista de Management Comparat International (Review of International Comparative Management), indexed in ERIH+, REPEC, DOAJ, EBSCO
- Annals of the University of Craiova, Economic Sciences Series, indexed in RePEc, CEEOL
- Journal Finance - Challenges of the Future, indexed in RePEc
- The Young Economists Journal, indexed in RePEc, CEEOL, EBSCO, Cabell's
- Management & Marketing, indexed in ERIH+, RePEc, CEEOL, EBSCO, Cabell's