Prof.univ.dr. Burlea Schiopoiu Adriana | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Management - Marketing şi Administrarea Afacerilor | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Université 1 Toulouse et “Centre de Recherches pour les Chefs d'Entreprise JOUY EN JOSAS”, France (1998). Université 1 Toulouse, France (1996). Programme "PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNICATION" organise for Romanian Institute of Management in collaboration with DURHAM UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SCHOLL (1996). Université “Jean-Monnet” Saint Etienne, France(1992). |
Expert evaluator pentru organisme naționale și internaționale Expert for European Commission for Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) projects – 2016/2017 Expert for International Projects European Union Horizon 2020: Erasmus+ " Capacity Building in the field of Youth" and " Large scale EVS events" – 2014 Expert for International Projects European Union – FP7 – PEOPLE –2008, 2012, 2013 - registered in 2002 -with the following application number EX2002B002264 Expert for Programme “Diversity, inequalities and social inclusion”, Programme area “Research within Priority Sectors” of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, Hellenic Republic, ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs Expert for William Harvey Research Institute (WHRI) - ACADEMY (COFUND Marie Curie) – 2014, 2015 Expert evaluator for The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Expert evaluator for The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding ( UEFISCDI) Expert/Consultant for Ministry of Science Higher Education and Research For Innovation and Competitiveness, HERIC Project, MONTENEGRO Contract No.# MNE-HERIC-81180-IC-CS-13- /2 - 2014 Expert evaluator for National Projects –CNCSIS, CERES, CEEX. The president of the Jury – AFER, Olympiad of Economics Students, 16-18 May, 2014 Ploiesti, Romania Chairmen for many conferences (selection) Chairmen - the Third KES International Conference - Smart Digital Futures 2016 (SDF-16) - Smart Education and e-Learning – KES-SEEL-16, 15-17 June, 2016, Tenerife, Spain. Chairmen - the 8th International Symposium on Multimedia Applications and Processing (MMAP'2015) Lodz, Poland, September 13-16, 2015 Chairmen - the 7th International Symposium on Multimedia Applications and Processing (MMAP'2014) Warsaw, Poland, September 8-11, 2014 Chairmen - the 6th International Symposium on Multimedia Applications and Processing (MMAP'2013) Krakow, Poland, September 8-11, 2013 Chairmen - the International 11th IBIMA Conference – Innovation and Knowledge Management in Twin Track Economies, Cairo, Egypt, 4-6 January, 2009 - Chairmen - the International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2007) Galway, Ireland, August 29-31, 2007 - Chairmen - the 8th International Symposium on Informatics in Economy, Bucharest, Romania, May 19-20, 2007 - Chairmen - Les troisièmes rencontres internationales de la diversité - Réussir la diversité, Université de Corse, France,- 4-6 octobre 2007 –,132 Membru al Comitetelor Stiintifice/Evaluator pentru Reviste Internationale (selectie) Member in International Editorial Review Board for the International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI) - Member of the Editorial Board for the Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management (EJKM) - Member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems - Member of the Scientific Committee for the Revue internationale sur le travail et la société, Université du Québec, Canada, din 2008 - Member of the Review Committee for The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation (EJISE) - Reviewer for the Interactive Learning Environment (ILE) - Member of the Scientific Committee for the Journal Management Marketing, Craiova, - Member of the Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline (InformingSciJ), Reviewer for the Knowledge Management Research & Practice -, contact - Sarah Parry, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Reviewer for the Special Issue of the Corporate Governance Journal, following the 11th EABIS Colloquium on Sustainability and Strategic Innovation, contact - Elena Urizar, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Reviewer for the Journal of Digital Forensics, Security Reviewer for Behaviour & Information Technology – contact Dr Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos, Professor Hartmut Wandke, Behaviour & Information Technology,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Reviewer for The Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE) - contact - Professor Charmine Härtel, Associate Editor, AMLE - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and J. B. Arbaugh, Editor AMLE Editorial Office, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Reviewer for the Knowledge Management Research & Practice, - contact - Editorial Administrator, Sarah Parry. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Reviewer for the Growing Information, Part I, Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 6, 2009, Informing Science Press, ISBN 978-1-932886-16-0, ISSN 1547 – 5840, 460 pages - Reviewer for the Setting Knowledge Free, Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 6, 2009, Informing Science Press, ISBN 978-1-932886-17-7, ISSN 1547 – 9681, 894 pages - or Membru al Comitetelor Stiintifice pentru carti (selectie) Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the book - Frameworks of IT Prosumtion for Business Development, editor - Malgorzata Pankowska, IGI-Global, 2014, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4313-0,ISBN13:9781466643130, ISBN10: 1466643137, EISBN13: 9781466643147 Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the book - Higher Education Institutions and Learning Management Systems: Adoption and Standardization, editors: Rosalina Babo and Ana Azevedo, IGI Global, 2010 – Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the book - Infonomics for Distributed Business and Decision-Making Environments: Creating Information System Ecology, editor: Malgorzata Pankowska, IGI Global, 2010 - Member of the Editorial Review Board for the book - Open-Source Solutions in Education: Theory and Practice, editor: J. Burton Browning, Informing Science Press - |
Recunoscute CNCSIS IDOWU S., VERTIGAS St., BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., (editors), 2017, Corporate Social Responsibility in Times of Crisis, Springer, ISSN:978-3-319-52838-0. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., BURDESCU D.D., 2016, An Integrative Approach of E-Learning: From Consumer to Prosumer, in Smart Innovation, Systems and Technology, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 269-280. ISBN – 979-3-319-39689-7. ISSN – 2190-3026, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39690-3. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2016, L’entrepreneuriat social: un défi et un pilier pour la protection sociale, in Croissance, population et protection sociale. Faites et Théories face aux enjeux. Sous la direction de Alain Redslob, pp. 229-243. ISBN – 979-10-90429-68-0; ISSN – 1765-0305, Editions Panthéon-Assas. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2016, Mapping the dispersal of social responsibilities in a challenging environment, in Company Law and CSR: New Legal and Economic Challenges, editor Ivan Tchotourian, BRUYLANT. ISBN – 10: 2802740865 ISBN – 13: 978-2802740865 BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2015, Corporate Partnership, in Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Idowu, S.O., Capaldi, N., Fifka, M., Zu, L., Schmidpeter, R. (Eds.), Springer, 609 p., ISBN – 978-3-319-10535-2. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10536-9_19. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2015, Corporate Moral Agency, in Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Idowu, S.O., Capaldi, N., Fifka, M., Zu, L., Schmidpeter, R. (Eds.), Springer, 609 p., ISBN – 978-3-319-10535-2. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10536-9_19. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2015, Community of Practice, in Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Idowu, S.O., Capaldi, N., Fifka, M., Zu, L., Schmidpeter, R. (Eds.), Springer, 609 p., ISBN – 978-3-319-10535-2. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10536-9_19. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2015, Environment, Social and Governance (ESG), in Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Idowu, S.O., Capaldi, N., Fifka, M., Zu, L., Schmidpeter, R. (Eds.), Springer, 609 p., ISBN – 978-3-319-10535-2. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10536-9_19. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2015, Environmental Ethics, in Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Idowu, S.O., Capaldi, N., Fifka, M., Zu, L., Schmidpeter, R. (Eds.), Springer, 609 p., ISBN – 978-3-319-10535-2. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10536-9_19. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2015, Global Environmental Management Initiative, in Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Idowu, S.O., Capaldi, N., Fifka, M., Zu, L., Schmidpeter, R. (Eds.), Springer, 609 p., ISBN – 978-3-319-10535-2. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10536-9_19. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2015, IFC Policy on Social and Environmental Sustainability, in Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Idowu, S.O., Capaldi, N., Fifka, M., Zu, L., Schmidpeter, R. (Eds.), Springer, 609 p., ISBN – 978-3-319-10535-2. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10536-9_19. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2015, Reputation Index, in Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Idowu, S.O., Capaldi, N., Fifka, M., Zu, L., Schmidpeter, R. (Eds.), Springer, 609 p., ISBN – 978-3-319-10535-2. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10536-9_19. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2015, Shareholder resolutions and CSR, in Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Idowu, S.O., Capaldi, N., Fifka, M., Zu, L., Schmidpeter, R. (Eds.), Springer, 609 p., ISBN – 978-3-319-10535-2. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10536-9_19. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2014, The Challenges of the Prosumer as Entrepreneur in IT, in Frameworks of IT Prosumtion for Business Developement, editor - Malgorzata Pankowska, IGI-Global, pp. 1-16 (390). DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4313-0.ch001,ISBN13:9781466643130, ISBN10: 1466643137, EISBN13: 9781466643147 BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2014, The Dichotomy of Entrepreneurship between Business and Social, in Economics and Business Communication Challenges, editors – Wojciech Dyduch, Malgorzata Pankowska, Publishing House of University of Economics in Katowice, pp.47-56 (270). ISBN:978-83-7875-220-2. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., POPA O., 2013, World Bank (sep article on IFC policy environment sustainability), in Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility – PART - Sustainability/Sustainable Development, Editors Samuel O. Idowu, Nicholas Capaldi, Liangrong Zu, Ananda das Gupta, pp. 2727-2735, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-642-28035-1 BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2013, The Ethical Issue in Internet Communication, in Internet Communication Management. International Week, edited by M. Pankowska and W. Dyduch, Publishing House of University of Economics in Katowice. ISBN: 978-83-7246-776-8. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., MAHON J., 2013, Management, in Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility – PART - Management, Editors Samuel O. Idowu, Nicholas Capaldi, Liangrong Zu, Ananda das Gupta,Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,pp. 1609-1616. ISBN: 978-3-642-28035-1. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28036-8_672 BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., RAINEY S., 2013, Servant lider/Servant leadership, in Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility – PART - Management, Editors Samuel O. Idowu, Nicholas Capaldi, Liangrong Zu, Ananda das Gupta,Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-28035-1, pp. 2120-2126. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28036-8_203 BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2013, An Aristotelian approach to sustainable management, in Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility – PART - Sustainability/Sustainable Development, Editors Samuel O. Idowu, Nicholas Capaldi, Liangrong Zu, Ananda das Gupta, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,ISBN: 978-3-642-28035-1, pp. 92-100. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-28036-8_657 BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., Nastase M, Dobrea R.C., 2013, Ethical CSR, in Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility – PART - Corporate Social Responsibility, Editors Samuel O. Idowu, Nicholas Capaldi, Liangrong Zu, Ananda das Gupta, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,pp. 1059-1065, Doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-28036-8_493. ISBN: 978-3-642-28035-1. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., POPA I., 2013, Legitimacy Theory, in Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility – PART - Corporate Social Responsibility, Editors Samuel O. Idowu, Nicholas Capaldi, Liangrong Zu, Ananda das Gupta,Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp.1579-1584, BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2013, Global Environmental Management Initiative, in Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility – PART - Ethics/Environment, Editors Samuel O. Idowu, Nicholas Capaldi, Liangrong Zu, Ananda das Gupta, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,pp. 1241-1248. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-28036-8_390 BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., TOME E., 2013, Trust, in Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility – PART - Ethics/Environment, Editors Samuel O. Idowu, Nicholas Capaldi, Liangrong Zu, Ananda das Gupta,Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,ISBN: 978-3-642-28035-1, BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., OCHETAN C.M.T., 2012, L’audit social et la responsabilité sociale: des défis stratégiques pour les entreprises roumaines in L'encyclopédie du social et de l'audit de la responsabilité sociale, coordonnée par Jean Marie PERETTI, Editions EMS Questions de Société. 451 pages, ISBN: 978-2-84769-451-2. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., et al., 2012, La diversité des ressources humaines en Roumanie, in Encyclopédie des diversités, coordonnée par Jean Marie PERETTI, Editions EMS Management et Société. 660 pages. ISBN : 978-2-84769-299-0. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A et Lefter V., 2011, Les pratiques de leadership dans les organisations roumaines, in Tous Leaders, coordonnée par Jean Marie PERETTI, Eyroles, Editions d’Organisation, 352 pages ISBN 978-2-212-54986-7, EAN 9782212549867 - *BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., BACHELARD O., 2010, Risque social et dirigeant, in La GRH dans les PME, coordonnée par VILETTE M.A., LOUART P., Les éditions Vuibert, collection AGRH – Recherche, ISBN: 978-2-7117-6888-2 - ** Award Nominations « Prix du livre RH 2011 », organized byLe Monde, Sciences Po etSyntec Recrutement – Paris BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2010. Ethics of Information in Distributed Business Environments – in Infonomics for Distributed Business and Decision-Making Environments: Creating Information System Ecology, editor - Malgorzata Pankowska, IGI-Global, ISBN: 978-1-60566-890-1 - |
Mihai L., BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., Mihai M., 2017, Comparison of the leadership styles practiced by Romanian and Dutch SME owners, International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 6(1): 4-16,, doi: 10.19236/IJOL.2017.01.01 BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., Mihai M., Mihai L., 2016, The leadership behaviour of the accounting students: A dilemma for higher education, International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 5(4): 229-306, , doi: 10.19236/IJOL.2016.04.01. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., Tudor S., Dragulin I., Ileana D., 2014, The Challenges of the European Social Fund for Corporate Governance in Romania, Proceedings of The 10th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance ECMLG 2014, VERN' University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia 13‐14 November 2014, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, ISBN: 978‐1‐910309‐75‐9, pp. 9-17. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2011, The Relationship between the European Social Fund and Knowledge Management in Romanian Organizations, ECKM 2011, 1-2 September Passau, Germany, ISBN: 978-1-908272-10-2 Cd, pp. 148-158. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., BADICA A., RADU C., 2011, The evolution of e-learning platform TESYS user preferences during the training processes, ECEL2011, 11-12 Novembre Brighton, UK, pp.754-761. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2009, Success Factors for an Information Systems Projects Team: Creating New Context, 11th IBIMA Conference, 4-6 January 2009, Cairo, Egipt, pp. 936-941, ISSN: 978-0-9821489-0-7 – - BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2009, The Complexity of an e-Learning System: A Paradigm for the Human Factor, The Inter-Networked World: ISD Theory, Practice and Education. Vol. 2, pp. 267-278. Springer-Verlag: New York, ISBN 978-0-387-30403-8. Doi 10.1007/978-0-387-78578-3_21 BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2007, An Approach of the Knowledge Management for the Development of the Organisational Commitment, – Advances in Information Systems Development - Springer US –pp. 313-323, ISBN 978-0-387-70801-0 (Print) 978-0-387-70802-7 (Online) BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., Idowu O.S., 2016, The independence of the managers: an ethical dilemma, International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 4(2), pp. 152-171, ISSN online:2043-8265. BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A. et al., 2010, The Relationship between Financial Crisis, Corruption, and Corporate Social Responsibility in Romania, Management Marketing, No 8/2010, pp. 65-72. ISSN 1841-2416 - BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2009, Success Factors for an Information Systems Projects Team Creating New Context, Journal of the International Business Information Management Association Vol. 9, 2009, pp. 202-207, ISSN: 1943-7765 - BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A. et al., 2009, The Corporate Social Responsibility on the Romanian, Revue Management & Avenir, Franţa, no.23. 2009, pp. 59-69, ISSN: 1705-6616 - BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A., 2009, Le cadre institutionnel de l’enseignement et de la recherche en GRH en Roumanie, La Lettre AGRH, mai-juin, 2009, BURLEA ŞCHIOPOIU A. et al., 2008, Une approche constructive de la réussite d’une équipe de projet, Revue internationale sur le travail et la société, Canada, Vol. 6, no.1, 2008, pp. 59-69, ISSN : 1705-6616 - |
Premii (selectie) The finalist for the Best paper Award the Third KES International Conference - Smart Education and e-Learning - SEEL-16, 15-17 June, 2016, Tenerife, Spain. Winner at 10th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance (ECMLG 2014), 12-14 November, 2014, VERN' University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia - Best Poster AWARD - Schiopoiu Burlea, Adriana, University of Craiova, Romania ”The Impact of New Ethical Challenges on Corporate Governance and Organisational Projects” Best AWARD – “Mihail Manoilescu” – AFER, Olympiad of Economics Students, May, 2014 Ploiesti, Romania – Team Coordinator European Commission, Responsible Reporting, Recent Trends towards CSR Accountability, Brussels, 3rd April, 2006. 1st Agora RH Congress of the Mediterranean Federation of Human Ressources (FMRH), December 2nd and 3rd 2005, Genova, Italy European Commission, External Trade, Forum, June 14th – July 22nd 2005. CCIAS Paris (Centre de Certification Internationale d’Auditeurs Specialisés) – Président Georges EGG - et Commission Européenne, Bruxelles – Chej adjoint d’Unité – DG Emploi, Affaires Sociales & Egalité des chances EMPL D/1, Dialogue Social, Relations Industrielles, Adaptation au changement - Dominique BE -, 23 mai – 3 juin 2005. Discussions sur la possibilité de mise en oeuvre du projet intitulé “Proposition de projet concernant la mise en oeuvre d’une structure d’audit social en Roumanie”. Institutul International de l’Audit Social, Paris – 8 février 2005 - Réunion de travail pour la préparation des contributions aux projets européens dans le cadre de l’audit de la responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise. În perioada 2-20 aprilie 2003 am fost desemnată de către WORLD BANK INSTITUTE – WASHINGTON, moderator pentru cursul INTRODUCTION TO CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Acest curs a fost susţinut în premieră în România şi a fost apreciat, de către specialiştii institutului, ca fiind un real succes. În perioada 3-7 noiembrie 2003 am susţinut la Ecole Superieure de Commerce, Saint Etienne, Franţa, ca profesor invitat, o conferinţă cu tema « Le Management Interculturel – une Approche Franco-Roumaine ». Pe semestrul al–II-lea al anului universitar 2003/2004, în cadrul unui program de cercetare intitulat “Alliance for the Promotion of Cross-cultural Skills for Business Students” al cărui promotor este Departament of Education din Washington şi Directorate General for Education and Culture din cadrul Uniunii Europene, am susţinut şi coordonat, on-line, cu studenţi de la Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice din Craiova, un curs interactiv de Managementul resurselor umane şi Tehnici de negociere. Partenerii internaţionali ai studenţilor români au fost studenţii de la Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Saint Etienne, Franţa, coordonaţi de profesorul Maurice CONTAT şi studenţii de la New-Jersey Institute of Technology, S.U.A., coordonaţi de profesorul Nathan HIMELSTEIN. Informaţii despre acest curs se găsesc la următoarea adresă: Professor invitat la prestigioase universități În perioada 17 - 31 octombrie 2003 - visiting professor la Ecole Superieure de Commerce, Saint Etienne, 51-53, Course Fauriel - BP 29 – 42009 SAINT-ETIENNE Cedex 02, Franţa. În octombrie 2004 - visiting professor la Universita di Bologna, Sede di Rimini, Italia În octombrie 2005 - visiting professor la Ecole Superieure de Commerce, Saint Etienne, 51-53, Course Fauriel - BP 29 – 42009 SAINT-ETIENNE Cedex 02, Franţa. În ianuarie 2007 si februarie 2008 - visiting professor la Universite de Corse “Pasquale Paoli”, IAE Corte, Corte Corsica, Franţa. În februarie 2011 - visiting professor la University of Economics in Katowice, UI. Maja 50, 40-287, Katowice, Polonia. În perioada octombrie - decembrie 2012 - visiting professor la BEM Bordeaux Management School, 680, Cours de la Libération, Talence, Franţa. Conferences Speaker (selection)L’intelligence situationnelle et responsable : une ressource inépuisable pour le développement des synergies entre l’entreprise et les chercheurs, 30 Novembre, 2016,L’École Doctorale de Droit et des Sciences Politiques, Administratives et Économiques (EDDSPAE) de l’Université Libanaise in partnership with l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), le Consortium doctoral régional en Économie et Gestion (CODEG) le Rassemblement de Dirigeants et Chefs d’Entreprises Libanais (RDCL), Beirut, Lebanon. New challenges for Responsible Research and Innovation, Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World Go4 Joint Final Conference 14 -15 January 2016, Brussels, Belgium. The relationship between mass customization and knowledge management in e-learning system, Katowice, Poland The Intercultural Management – An Approach Franco-Romaine at the Saint-Etienne School of Management, France. |